• 2011-08-24 02:25Heroy says:

    congralations,very nice.But i want to ask, how you added real music in your hack rom ?  [回复]

    • 2011-09-01 15:04PU says:

      This procedure is by mazong1123。He used to recompile the simulator source http://virtuanes.s1.xrea.com:8080/ I just use the tool to replace the music files.You can use eXeScope to replace the music.  [回复]

  • 2011-09-06 23:31Heroy says:

    ı dont know how can ı use exescope, cant change any code.  [回复]

  • 2011-09-08 16:31Heroy says:

    ı can change .ıco, exe name,but cant add wave. I checked your exe, cant fınd rom. Just wave,nes,ıco.... Can you upload video for how can ı add wave. ?  [回复]

    • 2011-09-20 11:42PU says:

      Sorry, I forgot I use the software to protect the exe file packers.The following is the exe for mazong1123.http://sharesend.com/nqous  [回复]


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